Hello... bloggers!!!

I was tagged by Syazwina Nizam
she have a talent to be a famous blogger
keep it up!
ehem, sorry for the late.. hihi..
This is my another 11 facts about me
Different the other past one.. HERE
so, check it out..
11 Facts About Me
1. Saya sangat tidak suka dengan haiwan bernama ulat. apa saja sewaktu dengannya.
terutama ulat sampah yang putih. aduh.. semasa saya taip ni pun rasa geli.
satu lagi tu katak. saya dengan katak macam ada 'connection'.
saya halau, makin dia datang. melawan la pula.
kurang asam betul! saya fobia tahap gaban dengan dua makhluk tu.
2. Saya juga tidak suka blackout. kalau blackout ada saja tidak kena.
dah la panas, mau online pun tidak dapat. hihihi..
3. Saya paling benci manusia yang tikam belakang,
talam dua muka, penipu dan tidak tahu bersyukur.
4. Saya tidak suka bila barang saya kena pinjam tapi tidak pandai minta izin.
5. Saya suka kumpul duit syiling tapi tidak masukkan ke dalam tabung.
pelik tak? tunggu rasa macam dah banyak barulah masukkan.
mungkin sebab tabung saya dulu tak comel.
sekarang dah ada tabung comel. baru semangat nak simpan. hehe..
6. Saya suka buat sesuatu disaat akhir. barulah semangat. tapi azab la.. kahkahkah..
7. Saya suka melancong. tempat yang saya dah pergi seperti Sarawak,
Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Perlis, Kedah, Langkawi, Pahang, Selangor,
Melaka, Singapore, Brunei dan Indonesia.
8. Saya suka bunga terutama bunga ros.
9. Saya suka kucing tapi belum ada peluang untuk memelihara kucing.
10. Saya obses dengan lilin wangi dari Bath & Body Works. asal nampak, mesti beli.
nasib baik harga agak pricey. kalau murah, habis saya borong semua. muahaha..
11. Saya pakai losyen berlainan jenis di empat bahagian tertentu
iaitu lengan sapu dengan losyen lain, tangan losyen lain,
peha losyen lain dan kaki losyen lain.
peha losyen lain dan kaki losyen lain.
pelik? well, that's me.
11 Questions by Syazwina
1. What is the most rewarding experience you have had and what made it so?
Experience when I go to an orphanage in Indonesia. It made me open my eyes
and be grateful with what I have now. Alhamdulillah..
2. Who or what inspire you and why?
I do not have a specific people who inspire me. It can be anyone who has
a good background and successful.
3. If you were on death row, what would be your last meal be?
Definitely my mom's cooking.
4. You have the choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a unicorn
who sings lullabies, which do you choose?
Unicorn who sings lullabies.
5. For the impending zombie apocalypse, what will be your weapon of choice and
why(something in your handbag)?
Umbrella. hahaha..
6. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go first and why?
Bora Bora island(Four Season Resort) with my future husband because it is the romantic resort.
7. Rank a colour of the rainbow one for the best and one for the worst
and state why?
The best is Blue - Calm and soft.
The worst is none because I love all the colors.
8. What's the craziest thing you have done?
9. If given complete freedom what would you be your alternate
profession and why?
Chef because I love cooking.
10. If you would give me one piece of advice, what would it be?
Be a good girl.
11. If you were punished for a crime how would you like the punishment?
Community service.
Thank you to Syazwina Nizam for nominating me. I have so much fun to do this TAG.

welcome.love any sort of tag juga
ReplyDeletethank you... hehe..:D
Deletehye putri. salam perkenalan, saya Fira dari Safiyya TV9. saya tertarik dgn hobi awak mengumpul lilin dan berminat untuk interview awak berkenaan topik Hobi. kalau awak berminat, boleh sms sy no awk atau reply comment saje. tq :) 011-12734500
ReplyDeletehai, Fira. saya baru baca komen Fira ni. terima kasih sebab sudi nak interview saya. macam tak percaya pula. hehe.. apa-apa pun esok saya sms Fira yea..:)